Jacqui and Cy Bassett

 Jacqui and Cy Bassett

This month’s spotlight features the twosome of Cy and Jacqui Bassett who are local area representatives for Orenda.  They work together getting the word out about Orenda products because they have both seen their health improve dramatically from taking them.Nine years ago, Cy was suffering from blood disorder after having contracted Hepatitis C from a gunshot wound in Vietnam.  “He doesn’t like to talk about it,” confides Jacqui, “but Cy is a combat veteran and was the Team Leader for a five man reconnaissance team. He was a hero and was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.”  Cy consulted Dr. Drew Collins, then on the Board of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, and Dr. Collins started him on Orenda Immune.

At the same time, Jacqui was incapacitated by upper respiratory issues which had become so severe that she was on a breathing machine. Dr. Katie Collins had amazing results combating an auto immune issue using the Orenda O-Trophin spray, so she suggested Jacqui use that.  After just six weeks, Jacqui was sleeping through the night.  Soon, the polyps in her nose disappeared and she was able to stop all other medications.  “Orenda was the answer to our prayers,” enthuses Jacqui, “and we’ve never looked back. Cy and I feel it is our honor and responsibility to share what we’ve experienced with others, and hundreds of other people have had amazing results, too, and many have been able to let go of their other medications. It’s been incredible for Cy and me and for others, too.”

How did this dynamic duo get together?  Jacqui was originally born in Wisconsin, but  grew up in Minnesota and the Dakotas.  “I was raised on the back of a horse,” she laughs. Cy was born in California and because his father was in the Air Force, lived all over the world, including in Japan and Germany. Both of them ended up in California, and they’ve been together now for 38 years.

The couple originally settled in Palo Alto, California, but Cy’s dad had bought “sight unseen” a piece of land north of Ash Fork, Arizona (north of Prescott). He asked the young couple if they would like to be “homesteaders” and set up the land. Jacqui says they arrived with “about $100 and no jobs,” so both began working in the local flagstone quarry digging rock. Jacqui, who had gotten her Bachelor of Science Degree from University of North Dakota in Elementary Education, got a job as a teacher’s aide in the local elementary school.  By the end of the year, she was teaching kindergarten/first grade. She taught there for 13 years.

Cy, meanwhile, had left the quarry and took on a variety of careers including upholstery, driving an eighteen wheeler, being a bartender and working for the state highway department.  The couple also started an Amway distributorship, and looking for a broader base to support their business, Cy and Jacqui moved to Cottonwood where they lived for four years.  Jacqui taught at Cottonwood Middle School, which she loved.

They decided they needed to find even more people, so the couple moved to Phoenix where they found the AZHCC.  Like so many other chamber members, Jacqui and Cy were looking for opportunities to network with like-minded people and knew AZHCC founder, Pam Fox, so they became Charter Members in 2005 and used the opportunity of having a product table at luncheons as a way to grow their business.  They also liked the way Janet Gangl ran her Expo business, and “followed her wherever she went.”

Wherever they have lived, both Cy and Jacqui have been very involved in their community.  Both have been involved in PTO activities and field trips for school children.  Jacqui was a 4-H leader, cheerleading sponsor and talent show coordinator in Ash Fork, and is currently a volunteer at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital “Cool School” on Fridays.  Cy has organized a 173rd Airborne group in Phoenix consisting of 12 veterans and their wives and works with other Veterans’ organizations to raise money to support Veterans’ needs. He has also been active in their Home Owner’s Association, works one day a week at All State Storage, and is active in church leadership. Jacqui still works as a substitute teacher in the Paradise Valley School District and tutors daily a seventeen-year-old and two eleven-year-olds.

But their first love now is their Orenda business.  “We’re coming up on our tenth anniversary and we have ten products,” smiles Jacqui.  “We do Thursday night calls in our home where people can listen to doctors and hear testimonials from others.”  The Orenda  company is evidently a close knit team as Jacqui has no hesitation to pick up the phone and call co-founder, George Hall, or Anne Herrick, Executive Director, directly.  And they answer her calls and her questions immediately and happily. That’s service!

What would Jacqui and Cy choose for their last meal on the planet?   Jacqui would choose fish (probably Tilapia) and steamed vegetables – maybe brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli and onions – accompanied by a nice Merlot. For dessert, she’d choose something chocolate (Orenda Choki Superfood)!

Cy, on the other hand, would choose a banana split with Jamocha almond fudge, pistachio almond, and butter pecan ice cream!

As Orenda Goodwill Ambassadors Jacqui and Cy’s mission is to educate people on natural healthy life choices. Contact them at www.cybassett.com or call 602-410-1947. They’d be happy to invite you to a Thursday gathering, talk to you about anti-aging and wellness, or tell you about the sustainable compensation plan. If you get a chance, ask Jacqui for a taste of Choki, Orenda’s Dark Belgian chocolate superfood product. It is truly yummy!